
the riptide

So a couple of days ago, something about a riptide popped up on my phone. I was very interested in it because for one, I live in Nebraska and we don’t get riptides in Nebraska.

So I did a little bit of research and it described a riptide as channels of tidal water that flow quickly away from the shore and out to sea, but that’s a calmer way of putting it. Some people even call them “drowning machines”. They say this because when people get sucked in, they tend to swim against the current and back to shore, which can lead to drowning. I know that is very sad, BUT DON’T WORRY, I found a website that can help you survive in exactly 8 steps if you are ever put in that situation!

To save you the time of reading that lengthy article, I’ll just give you a brief summary for what you need to do: swim parallel to the current or the shore (it also says that if you’re not a strong swimmer, wave your arms and yell for help until someone reaches you). Riptides aren’t all that big. They can be from 10-200 feet wide, which makes it far easier to get out than swimming against the current.

This whole story about a riptide is a metaphor for our life. We all have our own personal riptides that try to suck us down with them. It may be a heartbreak or a loss in the family. It could also be a temptation that you know is not good for you. Honestly, it could really be anything. When those riptides come into play, we freak out and try to swim against the current. When we try to fight the current, we lose. So instead, we need to swim with or parallel to the current to survive.

Imagine if God told you to do a task. Would you do it or would you do the opposite? Most likely our response would be to do it, but when we are put in that situation, we might just run the opposite way. In Matthew 14, Jesus said for Peter to walk on water. After climbing out of the boat, Peter started walking towards Jesus, but when he realized how high the waves where, he became frightened and started to sink. It then says that he cried out “save me, Lord” and Jesus IMMEDIATELY stretched out his hand. At that moment, He says to Peter, “What little faith you have! Why would you let doubt win?” I feel like I can relate to Peter very well. There are times when I put all of my faith in Him but instantly when something seems fishy, I stop and go the other direction. I convince myself that the Lord’s plan isn’t the best for me and so I create my own plan, thinking it will work out. When I chose to go the other direction, I, without a doubt, started sinking. I would continue to sink until I got to the point where I would say “save me, Lord”, just like Peter did.

That whole time, I would be swimming against the current and drowning. Gods 1 step plan to save us from our riptide is to trust and follow Him. It’s not a crazy 8 step plan, it’s only 1. When we choose to have faith in Him, our journey back to shore is only 10 feet, compared to the 200 foot distance we would’ve made for ourselves.

If you have been struggling, listen to this: If you were blessed enough to open your eyes this morning; there is still more to see, more to do, more to show, and more to live. God has you in His hand, let Him show you the beauty of being alive.

I love you all and I thank you for taking the time to read this today. I hope it helped you like it helped me. Just remember, whenever you are put in those rough situations, trust God and let Him lead. If you ever get to a point where you say “save me, Lord”, look back on Matthew 14:31 where it says that Jesus IMMEDIATELY reached out His hand to save Peter. So He will undeniably save you from whatever storm you are in.

“Though the weight of the world tried to pull her into its bottomless sea, His love was the raft that kept her from sinking. Wave after wave, He steadied her soul. Wave after wave, He made her whole.” – Morgan Harper Nichols

Much Love,

Emily xoxo

2 thoughts on “the riptide

  1. Good writing, Em… you are a deep thinker and so happy you are growing in your faith and trust in the Lord. You will continue to grow as you hold on to his hand in every step.

    Love you, Emily

    Grandma Petersen

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